AMEC Forum 2023

Fórum AMEC 2023

On July 6th, we participated in the AMEC 2023 Forum, the main event for business foresight.

Our CEO, Ariadna Marín, as the President of the Talent Technical Commission, participated as a collaborator in the roundtable that took place at the IESE Business School.

This year, the main theme was centered around the importance of collaboration between companies in such a changing and competitive industrial environment, with the aim of finding new business opportunities and growth. Some examples of the approaches taken this year were:

  • How collaboration has transformed industrial companies?
  • The challenges of industrial collaboration
  • Business collaborations and alliances in the face of inequalities
  • Exporting for growth (with the knowledge of Banc Sabadell)

We are Positive Industry

At Coatresa, we are part of the Positive Industry project driven by AMEC. It is a movement composed of companies committed to sustainable progress at the national and international levels.

It was a very comprehensive and enriching day, led by industry experts, capable of providing significant ideas to take a step further.