Praimer : technical and bakeware coatings in Brazil

Praimer coatings Brasil

Technical coatings and bakeware in Brazil

Praimer Revestimentos Anti-Aderentes Ltda, founded in 1999, joined the Coatresa Group in 2008. The company engages in the application of technical coatings in Brazil for the industrial, bakeware and metallurgy sectors.

Technical coatings

recubrimientos antiadherentes para panificación en Brasil

Like Coatresa, Praimer supplies technical coatings in Brazil to all types of industrial sectors. With one of the most modern automated plants in the area and a surface area of 5,000 m2, Praimer has equipment for the automatic application of coatings to parts from all industrial sectors.

Non-stick coatings for the bakeware industry

recubrimientos industriales en Brasil

Since it first entered the Coatresa Group the company uses the Testrong® technology to apply non-stick coatings in Brazil, in sectors such as industrial bread and pastry, taking advantage of the experience gained in the European market.