Teflon coating

Teflon coating

Amongst all technical coatings, the most popular one is the internationally known as Teflon® coating. Either when applying an actual trademark Teflon® Coating, or when we decide to try other options within the fluorinated coatings range, a Teflon coating is a great solution to avoid demolding agents whilst achieving a non-stick productive process with little cleaning needs and easy maintenance. COATRESA Group offers the application of a great variety of Teflon coatings in order to optimally adapt the available options to the productive needs. Offering options for the food industry (FDA Teflon coatings) we apply the best technical coating adapted to every productive requirement.

Teflon coating
Teflon coating
PTFE coating
PTFE coating
Greblon coating
Greblon non-stick coating
Dry lubricant
Teflon paint for high temperatures
Rollers teflon coating
Teflon coatings